Scientific Departments


The Department of Biology Sciences offers a broad academic and research program within the Life Sciences major to provide academic opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.

The Department of Chemistry was established in 1984 as one of the departments College of Science for Women. In 2002, the department was incorporated into the College of Science for Women, which includes the scientific departments.


The Department of Chemistry was established in 1984 as one of the departments College of Science for Women. In 2002, the department was incorporated into the College of Science for Women, which includes the scientific departments.


The Department of Computer Science was established with the establishment of College of Science for Women in 2002. It aims to graduate a group of qualified female students in all computer fields.

The Department of Physics provides a broad academic and research program within the specialization of physics and medical physics in order to provide scientific opportunities for female students.


The Department of Physics provides a broad academic and research program within the specialization of physics and medical physics in order to provide scientific opportunities for female students.


The Department of Mathematics was established in 1984 as one of the departments of College of Science for Womens. In 2002, it joined the College of Science for Women as one of the scientific departments.