Under the patronage of Dr. Sameera Naji Khdim, Dean of the College of Science for Women, the Women’s Affairs Unit organized an educational lecture titled “University Life Etiquette.” The lecture was presented by Dr. Shaimaa Saleh Mahdi, Head of the Women’s Affairs Unit, and Dr. Solaf Abdul Khadir.
The goal of the lecture was to raise awareness among first-year female students about the concepts of university life as a new stage and a different environment. It also aimed to introduce the concept of etiquette, which reflects a person’s respect for themselves and others, and the adoption of behaviors that indicate refinement and dignity. The lecture covered a set of basic rules that should be followed within the university campus, such as the importance of maintaining an appropriate and clean appearance that reflects one’s personality, while also ensuring simplicity, modesty, and comfort, and avoiding excessive use of makeup or strong perfumes.
The lecture also emphasized the need to focus on academic performance, striving for success and excellence, while avoiding intentional absences, postponing exams, or cheating. Additionally, it highlighted the importance of preserving public property and avoiding any damage to it, as well as maintaining cleanliness in the surroundings