Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sameera Naji Khdim, the Dean of the College of Science for Women, the Department of Mathematics organized an orientation ceremony for first-year students on Wednesday morning, December 11, 2024, in the conference hall. The event was attended by the Dean, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, a number of faculty members from the Mathematics Department, and first-year students.

The ceremony began with verses from the Holy Quran and the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha in honor of the martyrs’ souls, followed by the national anthem. The event was opened with a speech delivered by Dr. Haider Majid Abbas, Head of the Department of Mathematics. Several faculty members gave welcoming and guidance lectures, introducing the department, its educational and research goals, and highlighting the key fields where mathematics plays a vital role in understanding various natural and technological phenomena. These include economics, business administration, computer science, artificial intelligence, algorithms, data processing, and result extraction. Mathematics also contributes to understanding the fundamentals of other sciences such as physics and engineering. Graduates of the Mathematics Department have career opportunities in both the public and private sectors, as well as the potential to establish their own businesses, offering job opportunities in public and private sector companies

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