Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sameera Naji Khdim, Dean of the College of Science for Women, and on the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Science for Women, represented by the unit head Assistant Professor Dr. Shaimaa Saleh and Professor Dr. Slaf Abdul Khudair, in collaboration with the Women’s Affairs Unit/Center for Women’s Studies at the University of Baghdad, represented by the head of the Women’s Affairs Unit, Assistant Professor Dr. Saba Hussein, the scientific unit head, Assistant Professor Dr. Shaimaa Khdim Majed, and the quality assurance unit head, Lecturer Zainab Mohammed, organized an awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness about the phenomenon of violence against women among the college students and members of the community.

The campaign focused on defining the various forms of violence, its causes, and reviewing ways to prevent this phenomenon. The campaign included a variety of activities such as educational lectures, the distribution of awareness brochures, and discussions on the different types of violence against women, including physical, psychological, and economic violence. It also highlighted the negative effects of these practices on women and society in general, and their impact on women’s physical and mental health.

Additionally, the campaign addressed local and international laws that guarantee the protection of women’s rights, emphasizing the importance of legal awareness in dealing with cases of violence and ways to report such incidents

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