Under the patronage of Dr. Sameera Naji Khdim, Dean of the College of Science for Women, the Department of Biology Sciences, in cooperation with the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit, organized a workshop titled “Introductory Seminar about the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit,” presented by Prof. Dr. Safa’ al-Din Ahmed, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rida, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shatha Zanon, and Asst. Lect. Zaid Ziad.

The goal of the workshop was to introduce the students to the services provided by the unit to support them in developing their professional skills and increasing employment opportunities. The workshop included lectures on personal skills and attitudes, professional skills, and the use of modern technological tools, as well as the importance of honesty, integrity, and self-confidence. The workshop also reviewed how to write a CV and prepare for job interviews. Additionally, the workshop aimed to empower the students with effective strategies for transitioning from education to work with high efficiency

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