Under the patronage of Dr. Sameera Naji Kahdim, Dean of the College of Science for Women, the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit, in collaboration with Huawei Academy, organized an introductory workshop about the academy, which featured a presentation by Ms. Rand Amer Safou, a representative of Huawei. The workshop was attended by faculty members from the Rehabilitation and Employment Division at the University of Baghdad, along with our college’s Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Associate Professor Dr. Adel Hussein Taleb, the Head of the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Ni’mah Anad Kahdim, as well as several faculty members, staff, and students from various departments in the college’s conference hall.

The workshop began with a welcome from Dr. Safa Sami, the head of the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit, who introduced Ms. Rand and explained the workshop’s goal: to familiarize attendees with the academy and the free services it offers in coordination with the University of Baghdad, to benefit both students and faculty.

During the workshop, Ms. Rand presented an overview of the free training courses provided by the academy in the field of information technology, including artificial intelligence and cloud computing, which enhance students’ CVs and help build a strong scientific knowledge base for entering the job market. She also highlighted several competitions launched by Huawei for students in the fields of networks and software, at the local, Arab, and global levels, aimed at encouraging development and scientific competition among students and graduates.

The workshop included a practical session demonstrating the registration steps in the academy, how to apply for training courses, and the levels of certificates awarded to trainees after successfully passing the final exam

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