Under the patronage of Dr. Sameera Naji Kahdim, Dean of the College of Sciences for Women, the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit organized a workshop titled “Human Trafficking and Its Risks to Society.” The workshop was presented by the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Adel Hussein Talib, and Dr. Salah Khairi Jabir.

The workshop aimed to shed light on human trafficking as a serious crime and a blatant violation of human rights, punishable by both Iraqi and international law. It is considered a form of modern-day slavery that includes sexual exploitation, forced labor, forced begging, and organ trafficking. The spread of this phenomenon is attributed to factors such as political, economic, and social instability, internal conflicts and wars, the negative role of social media, and the abuse of authority and power.
The workshop proposed several recommendations to mitigate this phenomenon, such as enforcing deterrent laws and applying them, raising societal awareness, and ensuring the respect and protection of fundamental human rights and freedom

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