Thesis in College of Science for Women discusses, searches to evaluate the effects of using several types of microorganisms with wheat seeds on the growth and yield of the wheat plant under salinity conditions and has concluded that these microorganisms can improve the growth and productivity of the wheat plant and reduce the amount of use chemical

College of Science for Women / University of Baghdad examined the thesis entitled (Effect of Biofertilizer on Growth and Yield of Wheat Crop under Salinity Stress) of the student Shahad Akeel Mohamed Jawad
The thesis aims to increase the ability of the wheat plant to tolerance salinity conditions using a combination of biofertilizers, increase the yield, and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers that harmful to the environment
The thesis also includes four laboratory experiments and two pot experiments using wheat cultivar IPA 99 and biofertilizer. The study include many types of bacteria and Trichoderma harrizianum fungus
The most important recommendation of the study is to repeat the use of this combination of biofertilizers on wheat crop under field conditions using normal soils and saline soils

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