1- Individual reprehensible behavior will not hinder or undermine confidence in the educational institution’s mission and objectives; rather, it will be a double incentive to assume responsibilities and reinforce positive efforts towards enhancing the noble social and academic values system.

2- Since the first moment of the spread of behavior-distorted images, we have taken all necessary legal measures, including dismissal from public office, realizing that this type of behavior represents a serious act detrimental to the public interest.

3- At the same time, we urge our esteemed society to unite and confront the repercussions emanating from some promoters of publications on social media platforms, and to refrain from exposing the families of the accused and their familial and professional environments to harmful collective defamation, whether driven by specific motives or fabricated accusations, as conveying obscenity and defaming it is no less reprehensible than its perpetrators.

4- We renew our confidence in the University of Basra, its scholars, and professors, and affirm that you are capable of protecting society, defending its values and issues, and opposing promoters of vice and obscenity in society.

And I address my message to all our universities:

1- I call upon the senior university administrations and their respected teams, who have always borne responsibility, to take the initiative and formulate the necessary qualitative awareness and develop a cultural movement that believes in the values of society and its entrenched traditions in the depths of this blessed land.

2- We, at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, are committed to protecting the educational institution, establishing its ambitions, and its programs in achieving its academic mission and scientific objectives, and prosecuting those who harm it under the influence of social media consumption.

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