The College of Science for Women welcomed the journalist and human rights activist Ali Azab in the conference hall in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Yousra Abdul Sahib, and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Adel Hussein Taleb, along with a number of faculty members, staff, and students. The seminar began with a welcoming speech by Mrs. Joan Khalid, praising the efforts of the guest in humanitarian work, providing assistance to various segments of society such as the elderly, orphans, and people with special needs, providing housing, healthcare, and essential necessities for a dignified life, and integrating them into education to contribute to the country’s future. Then, journalist Ali Azab spoke about his personal experience and his decision to initiate change after witnessing the reality through his work as a journalist and establishing a place to accommodate elderly people, orphaned children, and people with special needs after being abandoned by their families. He discussed the challenges facing his humanitarian work, presented a video report on neglected and abused children, and emphasized the necessity of enacting laws to criminalize anyone who harms a child or an elderly person to combat this phenomenon that has spread in recent years. Finally, Dr. Sameera Naji Kahdim, the Dean, honored journalist Ali Azab with a shield and a certificate of appreciation in recognition of his humanitarian efforts and his distinguished role in serving humanitarian work and preserving human dignity.

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