Dissertation in College of Science for Women discusses A comparative histological study of eye and molecular detection of sailfin molly fish and black-winged kite bird as invasive species in Iraq

 College of Science for Women / University of Baghdad examined the dissertation entitled (A comparative histological study of eye and molecular detection of sailfin molly fish and black-winged kite bird as invasive species in Iraq) of the student Shaimaa Awad Abid

 The dissertation aims to select two invasive species in Iraq based on differences in their evolution and ecology:

  1. A comparative histological and histochemical study of the eye in two invasive species by using special stains to distinguish particular structures of cells and tissues in the eye.
  2. DNA barcoding of P. latipinnaand E. caeruleus by using mt COI gene to identify these invasive species in Iraq. The use of mt Cytb gene to analyze the genetic diversity of these species.
  3. Using phylogenetic trees allows comparison of this invasive species with geographically and globally recorded species to determine convergence and divergence of these species.

The dissertation also includes histological and histochemical studies of the eye and molecular studies of two alien invasive species in the Iraqi environment: the sailfin molly fish (Poecilia latipinna) and the black-winged kite bird (Elanus caeruleus). The mt COI gene and mt Cytb gene sequences were registered in the NCBI GenBank. Also, the mt COI gene was registered in the BOLD system, and the barcode was obtained.

 The most important recommendations which the study has come up with:

  1. Conducting histological and embryological eye studies at the level of transmission and scanning electron microscopes in animals that live in different light environments to continue investigating the adaptations of the visual system in vertebrates.
  2. Preventing of the escape of aquarium fish and more public awareness for amateur aquarists about long-term ecological devastation. Controlling what may be entering Iraq with ornamental fish and their transport water, and then activate quarantine laws at the cross-border and airport.
  3. Studying environmental conditions that enable invasive species to impact on native species. Studying the molecular evolution of the closest species to the species of the present study as a potential threat to hybridization and erosion of unique genetic diversity.
  4. Invasive raptors existence is a major driver of native species decline. Therefore, there must be an increase in public awareness of effective control measures. Care should be taken to determine the impact of novel invasive predation pressures on native species.
  5. Intensifying biological and genetic studies to achieve environmental managements that limits the spread of alien invasive species in the Iraqi environment.


The average obtained : Excellence

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